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Power BI


Power Query - Split Query

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Barak Bester on 02 Jan 2016 21:11:42

In power query, the user will be able to mark a set of consequent steps, starting at the 1st one, and split the query so the marked steps become a new, independent query and the rest become a query referencing the 1st one as a source. This is useful when I found out that the first steps of a query are actually required for few other queries so I can create several referencing queries

Administrator on 30 Mar 2016 05:51:19

This is already available in Power BI Desktop and Power Query. In the Query Editor dialog, you can go to the Applied Steps pane and right-click on a step, you will see a "Extract Previous" option which basically will split your query into two, having the second one reference the first "segment" as you propose.