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Dynamic dimension selection based on slicer

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Sanil on 25 Dec 2017 14:54:26

We should able to use same report to show measure by multiple dimension. Dimension should be selected based on slicer. If user select Product name from Slicer, Sales should be displayed based on Product name, If user select Country from slicer, Sales should be displayed based on Country

Comments (4)
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Piyush on 06 Jul 2020 00:05:20

RE: Dynamic dimension selection based on slicer

Adding similar visual with different dimensions consumes energy, time & lot of real state.It will give end user the flexibility to see same attributes against n number of dimension in single matrix/table.

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Jesse Crowley on 05 Jul 2020 23:56:20

RE: Dynamic dimension selection based on slicer

There are workarounds using unpivoted table data, but generally there is no capability to use dynamic dimensions.

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Kendall Lister on 05 Jul 2020 23:21:48

RE: Dynamic dimension selection based on slicer

This, but for measures as well please! Would make switching currencies etc much simpler.

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Rui Quintino on 05 Jul 2020 23:21:44

RE: Dynamic dimension selection based on slicer


just brainstorming, having field parameters that work as field aliases, ex: defining a field what-if parameter alias called "Analyze Column" with a default field name, this appear as a draggable field for any visual, then be able to connect a slicer to this field and choose what model fields should be listed (type, table, wildcard,etc)

then when changing the slicer, the alias will change to that field, and all visuals update accordingly without touching the visual in any way

can be used for changing measures or fields, or even fields multi selection (ex: tables).