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Power BI


INFO.TABLES() should have definition for calc tables

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Kieran Leigh on 13 Feb 2024 15:20:02

The new DAX Query View is a great help in maintaining dashboards. In it, the definition - [Expression] - of calc columns and measures can be queried. Tables can also be listed, but the information returned does not include the DAX that defines a calc table.

Many maintenance tasks require the same operations across calc columns, measures and tables. For example, definitions can be filtered to search for a particular column name. This is useful to ensure that a column is not in use before it is removed.

I have a task where our upstream data provider will be changing field values. I therefore need to search all my DAX and M code for these values to ensure that updates are made to account for the new values. I have Query View code prepared that can check the columns and measures in one shot, but table definitions are an exception.

Please provide feature parity for tables by showing their definitions where they are DAX calculated tables.