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Power BI

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New Interaction on line charts

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Damian Clarke on 22 Jun 2021 11:02:28

I'd like a new interaction on line charts (which could also be applied to other charts with a similar structure), I'll give an example to explain it:

Let's say I have a date slicer and a line chart where the X axis is dates. I don't want to apply a Filter interaction to the line chart, because that would just leave me with a single point and I'd lose the context of that point amongst the data around it.
Instead, I'd like the new "Highlight Interaction" to put a coloured block over or a box around the date(s) that have been selected in the slicer, so that it "highlights" this chunk of the data and axis, drawing attention to the selected dates in the data within the broader context of all the other data points on the chart.
In my opinion, this would add significant functionality and enable end-user insights to be drawn much more quickly.