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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Only show reports users have permissions for within an App

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Amanda B on 10 Mar 2021 17:05:51

Currently you can publish multiple reports to an app and any user can see all reports contained within the app, even if they do not have permissions to view specific reports. A user can select a report in the app that they do not have access to and be shown a blank page informing them that they need access. This creates confusion in users and extra work for development teams, as users think that something is wrong when confronted with a blank report they don't have permissions for and developers have to constantly explain to users that they simply don't have access to those reports and its not, in fact, an error.

I'd like the ability to "hide" all reports in an App that users do not have permission to view, so even the report name is not visible in the navigation pane unless the user has access to that specific report.