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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Optimize dynamic format strings for DAX measures

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Noah Hadro on 30 May 2023 01:00:27

It would be great if there was a setting that you could toggle stating that the format string measure will be the same for all rows and therefore calculate one time and then apply to all rows in the column for that measure. For example, I have a disconnected table and slicer where they pick what currency they want to show / convert transaction values to. I know that whatever currency I select, I then want that currency format string so it is dynamic. So I don't need the query to be evaluated each row.... just once. This would be a huge optimization. I don't use the format string feature because it is a "nice to have feature" and my users care more about every second of wait time. The setting should allow us to declare that the measure only needs to be calculated once and the outcome should be applied to all rows in a column, or all bars in the bar chart.... etc.