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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Remove inheritance for a set of reports from a workspace.

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John Bahe on 31 May 2022 18:33:14

As a Power BI Contributor, I want to remove inheritance for a set of users for a given report in a workspace. In this use case all user in an assigned group have access to the workspace at the group level, but as a contributor, I want to remove access to certain users who would have otherwise had access to the report via inheritance.

As an example, LDAP group A with 10 users have access to Workspace A with 5 reports. I want to have 1 of the 5 reports to be only seen by 5 of the 10 users.

This allows me the flexibility to remove inheritance for some users and not have to create a bunch of workspaces only having a few # of reports.

In this use case we do want to have contributors/members adding individual users to a workspace but instead we only want to allow access at a group level through entitlements via our Access Management policy.