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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Let the Menu Interface work with Nested Tables

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John Thomas on 08 Jul 2020 22:26:44

Currently we can use Power Query menu options to do lots of things in PBI Desktop without having to know M Code. This has been a huge help in advancing the popularity of PBI Desktop. My suggestion is to expand this ability to nested tables. After performing a Nested Join or Group By, many times you end up with a Table Column that you need to add a field to like an index, or filter it to a max value, or several other things BEFORE expanding the column. The M Code to do these operations is not as straight forward and finding books on the subject are not readily available. My thought is you click in the first cell to show the full table in the window below the parent table, and then the menu option's "focus" switches to the child table allowing you to add columns, filter columns, do all the same stuff. When you close the child table view, the menu options then operate back on the parent table as they do today.