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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Enable on-premise PowerBI the ability to show webpages from others servers.

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steve shepherd on 18 Jan 2019 16:33:19

Hi, I have PowerBI reporting server on-premise. (on trial) I also have lots of other servers on-premise. These servers are mature and have reporting tools of their own. Reports and visuals have been created on these servers as web pages. To save me from having to re-write them all into PowerBI on-premise reports server, can you allow me the functionality to create a tile on the PowerBI server which loads up the web page of the other servers on site. Currently, PowerBI in the cloud let's you embed webpages from other sources, so I was surprised to see the on-premise one cannot, even if it is restricted to embedding webpages from on-premise domain servers only, it would be a big help. Cheers Steve