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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Deployment pipelines support for models deployed via XMLA endpoint

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Jordi Frijters on 01 Jul 2021 08:44:54

The availability of Power BI XMLA endpoints opens up a lot of possibilities. One of these possibilities is to deploy tabular models from either visual studio or tabular editor directly into a Power BI Premium (per user) workspace. In a standard development scenario the datamodel that is pushed towards the premium workspace will be a development workspace. 

After development is finished deployment pipelines would a great way of publishing the datamodel to a test, acceptance and production environment. A key element during this deployment is to change the data source while performing the deployment. 

Deployment pipelines offer the ability to use rules to change the data source but this is limited to models developed in Power BI desktop only. So deployment pipelines for any other development tool cannot benefit from these rules knowing they will result in an "invalid rule" error.

This case was investigated by Microsoft support and the Power BI product team with a "currently unsupported" end result. 

This feature would be greatly beneficial for companies that use a datamodel in Power BI premium that should be deployed automatically to separate DTAP environments.