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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Zoom Slider - Enable from Theme and Styling Options

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Saad Farooq on 23 Sep 2021 04:15:35

Zoom Slider is a fantastic option and very useful. We have internal reports that can contain 10s of pages and hundreds of graphs, and enabling zoom sliders one by one is a hassle, also if we have to turn it off afterwards, we need to go and turn it off one by one. It will be very helpful, if we can define it in the theme to enable or disable the zoom sliders.

Secondly, there seems to be no styling options for the zoom slider. I would love to be able to change the color of the slider and thickness of the line and the markers. That will help in making the report look more coherent with our themes.

Alternatively, if there can be an option to enable or disable them by the user (something like the focus mode) it may be more helpful and will avoid distractions for users who don't like to tinker with the reports.