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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Connect Siemens Building X data to Power BI for advanced analysis to achieve building performance, sustainability, and decarbonization goals

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Marcel Hazenbroek on 31 Oct 2023 07:39:50

Building X: Smart Building platform

Building X from Siemens Smart Infrastructure is a scalable digital platform that enhances building operations to improve occupant experience, performance and sustainability. Smart buildings generate an overwhelming amount of data stored in disparate applications. Smart buildings generate an overwhelming amount of data stored in disparate applications. Building X delivers a harmonized, enriched, and cleansed data set that increases insight and enables informed decision making.

Building X: Openness

Building X prioritizes openness, collaborative innovation, and seamless integration through robust, use-case optimized, subscription-based APIs. This approach maximizes building potential and creates smart buildings that redefine performance and sustainability solutions. Building X offers a comprehensive set of capabilities through APIs for both cloud and edge platforms. The Building X APIs form the foundation for creating an energy and building performance dashboard in Power BI, leveraging the strengths of both platforms.

Building X: Power BI Connector

The Building X third-party Connector offers a comprehensive view of building portfolios, encompassing locations, equipment, devices, points, and values, enriched with additional data sources. The combination of Building X and Power BI provides the building domain with rich data, ready to be used for transformative insights through Power BI's advanced analytics capabilities.

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