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Power BI


Remove auto relationships between mandatory columns when importing from Dataverse

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Power BI User on 16 Jun 2022 13:55:54

Love Dataverse, we have many complex models running. the problem we have is every time you connect to a new Dataverse it bring in all the mandatory columns, OwnerID, last Updated etc If your Power Bi report has many tables this leads to a huge amount of manual cleaning up in Power Query or in desktop. You have two choices either load up the tables and import then you have to remove all the autogenerated connections or alternatively load it without auto relationships and end up building all the relationships by hand. Either way you also have to go in and manually remove all the mandatory columns from every single table loaded (we have 60+) There should be an option on loading data to exclude certain column names from being included in the auto relationship detect such as index columns, mandatory Dataverse columns etc. In addition for dataverse connections you should be able to select which mandatory columns you bring in for all tables in one simple interface that covers all tables. This would take a day of work or more out of setting up a DV connection for a complex model.