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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Allow movement of large-storage format datasets

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Don Petry on 26 Feb 2021 13:06:40

Per, there is a current limitation that:

"Large-storage format datasets should not be moved from the region where they were created. Reports based on a large-format dataset will not be able to load the dataset, and return a Cannot load model error. Move the large-storage format dataset back to its original region to make it available again."

The actual error (not found anywhere on the 'net at time of this post) is:
"Move this dataset to its original region
We can't open this report right now because the underlying dataset won't open in this region. For Power BI to load the underlying dataset in large-storage format, the dataset must be moved to its original region. <>. Please contact a dataset owner to move the dataset to its original region."

We are requesting to remove this limitation for the following reasons:
- There are instances where we need to do this in practice
- This applies to relatively small models. In this example, just 3GB,
- Operationally we should not have to worry about reports not working because of this limitation specifically related to “large models”. When you have many capacities for multiple customers there are needs to change capacities periodically
- The limitation does not prevent the action of moving the workspace which means it is very easy to bring down your production services by taking a seemingly non-invasive action