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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Parameterize DAX calculated columns (and tables) and trigger their recalculation when required

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David Cadman on 31 Dec 2020 13:59:37

An advantage of Tableau over PBI (imo) is that in the former columns dynamically change. In some circumstances it would be useful to recalculate a column (or a DAX table) based on adjusted criteria when using the report as opposed to only when the data is refreshed (or when the column definition is manually changed)

My idea is to allow for the criteria of a calculated column to be, for instance,
IF ( Table[Column] = {@PARAM1} then X, Y).

Then somehow assign the value of {@PARAM1} to the SelectedValue() of a given column and when that value changes the relevant calculated column is updated accordingly. Similarly {@PARAM1} could be FILTER() or CALCULATETABLE() criteria of a DAX table triggered to refresh when required.