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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Add sorting options to visualisation pane (for all visuals)

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Martijn1 on 13 Jan 2018 21:38:32

I wonder why sorting has so limited options for most visuals. We have advanced filter options, but sorting is also a very powerful element in visuals.

In most cases, it is only possible to sort on the fields that are in the visual and you can choose only one of them. Why isn't there a way to add more sorting fields (in hierarchy), just like in excel? Why isn't it possible to sort on a field that isn't in the visual?

I know that it is possible to sort a field by another field, but that is no solution if I want to use that field in another visual without that specific sorting.

My simple solution: add sorting options to the visualisation pane, just as values, axis, filters, etc.. So it's easy for users to choose the sorting fields they want and in which order (if multiple).