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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


A filter on the fields pane to just show measures and fields in use within a page or visual

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Alex Tonkyn on 29 Nov 2021 11:04:15

When a visual is selected, the measures and fields used within it are identified with the yellow tick-dot, however these are often spread out amongst many, many other unused measures & fields.

This makes it very hard to move between them and compare/use/review their use and contents (when a measure).

An option to just show those in-use (yellow tick-dotted) measures and fields would be massively helpful.

As useful, if not more so, would be to filter down to just those measures and fields being used on an entire page. It would be really helpful and useful to be able to easily see what is being used on a page to enable developers to review and more easily reuse them as the page is being developed.