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Power BI


Datamart: Allow saving of datamart query without loading data

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Noah Swanson on 23 Jun 2022 21:37:24

I am trying to load a query to setup incremental refresh in the datamart. The query will fail without the incremental refresh settings in place as it will time out. Right now I am having to set an arbitrary filter to get the data to load and then setup incremental refresh. If I could save the query, then setup incremental refresh and then load, then I would have the proper filters on my data to allow it to successfully load through the range start and end parameters incremental refresh puts on the data.

In Dataflows, I can save my dataflow and choose not to load until I setup incremental refresh. If this could be replicated that would be fantastic!

Administrator on 14 Jul 2022 03:42:02

This scenario will be possible with Dataflows Gen 2