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Microsoft Idea


Under Review

Clear Events from CustomApp

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Thomas Pagel on 07 Oct 2023 19:00:22

A Custom App enables you to skip the EventHub and directly ingest data into an Event Stream. While this is very helpful, the features are very limited. Especially when it comes to removing events from the input buffer.

This has i.e. the following effect: D365 F&O allows to define "data events" which you can stream to a Custom App's endpoint. While this works nice, D365 sends a "test" event to the endpoint to check if communication works. This has a different JSON structure than the "real" events following it. When we try to build a KQL database on top of the Event Stream the wizards fails because it has two different JSON schemas which is not supported. Since you can't remove the test event from the stream you're stuck.

So it would be very nice if a "clear stream" button would be available or a time can be set after that the stream is cleaned up (like in EventHub).