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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Track User Actions

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Currently in Power BI - we cannot track User Based selections made in the report. It would be great to have the capability to track User selections. The reason is we will be able to track the following and make better decisions from a report-design perspective and make user take quick decisions.

  1. Frequently Used Slicers/filters in the report.
  2. Frequently selected values in the slicer.
  3. No of Exports breakdown by Type for a particular report.
  4. No of interactions made in each of the specific visual.
  5. Most important and unused visual/slicer/filters.

In Tableau we can track user actions/interactions in the report, it would be really great for Power BI to have this capability because it has lot of users and other advantages when compared to Tableau. This will be a value add to Power BI users.