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Power BI


Allow copy and paste between different PBIX's

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Brett Gerhardi's profile image

Brett Gerhardi on 24 May 2016 16:44:02

Often we need to expand on an idea from one report further and copy and paste visuals/pages from one PBIX to another. This would be a huge productivity and quality benefit.

Administrator on 17 Nov 2018 01:54:09

We are excited to announce that this shipped in our November update of PBI Desktop: For those asking, it will be included in the next version of Power BI Desktop for Report Server as well.

Comments (289)
Brett Gerhardi's profile image Profile Picture

Sarah on 05 Jul 2020 23:15:32

RE: Allow copy and paste between different PBIX's

this function would be really useful please

Brett Gerhardi's profile image Profile Picture

Teri Lum Tatman on 05 Jul 2020 23:15:09

RE: Allow copy and paste between different PBIX's

Just the basic copying and pasting of text. I can't even copy text and cut into notepad or email.

Brett Gerhardi's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 23:15:03

RE: Allow copy and paste between different PBIX's

This is even more important to us as we now have several thousand PBI reports in use. Rebuilding new reports from scratch or combining reports is too much busy work without adding value... need copy and paste from one PBIX to another PBIX... need this feature sooner rather than later.

Brett Gerhardi's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:14:32

RE: Allow copy and paste between different PBIX's

Requesting a provision to copy charts/Page/Reports from one report to another.

If Datasource is the same, then it should take all the configured properties.

If Datasources are different, just copy the general properties, like colors, size(In short formating)

Brett Gerhardi's profile image Profile Picture

Aamir on 05 Jul 2020 23:14:27

RE: Allow copy and paste between different PBIX's

What is the feature can anyone tell me.

Brett Gerhardi's profile image Profile Picture

Rebecca H on 05 Jul 2020 23:14:16

RE: Allow copy and paste between different PBIX's

I understand this is more complicated if the files have different data models but PLEASE can this be made possible when the files are linked to the exact same live data connection. A ridiculous amount of time is wasted recreating from scratch duplicate pages in different reports. Not only is it a waste of time its so frustrating.

Brett Gerhardi's profile image Profile Picture

Martin on 05 Jul 2020 23:14:06

RE: Allow copy and paste between different PBIX's

This has to be implemented - at least the basic visuals etc. Let the target be the master of the data relationships; if the data model is different in the "from" pbix file, then just move the basic layout/visuals.
I cannot believe that it is not possible even to copy a simple logo or line from one file to another...

Brett Gerhardi's profile image Profile Picture

Kerem Atalay on 05 Jul 2020 23:13:21

RE: Allow copy and paste between different PBIX's

Capability to copy reports or pages between pbix files.
This will allow for quickly formulating same reports linked to different datasets without having to recreate the report.

Brett Gerhardi's profile image Profile Picture

Mike Honey on 05 Jul 2020 23:12:53

RE: Allow copy and paste between different PBIX's

There's already a technique to achieve this exact functionality via published reports in the web service, so it can't be that hard to implement.

It's clunky and long-winded, but it does seem to achieve the result.

I'd be quite happy for it to gracefully break if the data models didnt match, in the same way visuals gracefully break currently, e.g. when fields they reference are deleted.

Brett Gerhardi's profile image Profile Picture

Matt Allington on 05 Jul 2020 23:12:02

RE: Allow copy and paste between different PBIX's

Chuck, maybe just copy the page with the visuals containing the measures. If the measures are there in the destination, then great. If not, too bad - brow an error in the visual. This is what happens now when you delete a measure from a model that is in a visual still.