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Power BI


Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting

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abhishek sreesaila's profile image

abhishek sreesaila on 04 Jan 2015 16:37:48

Ability to select multiple items in a chart say multiple bars, pie's etc and automatically have filters applied to all the existing reports. this helps to highlight anomalies and see all the surrounding reports changes as we do it and showcase risks/opportunities

Administrator on 09 Feb 2018 05:00:49

As of the February update, we now support cross-highlighting across multiple visuals! You can read the details in my blog post:

Comments (150)
abhishek sreesaila's profile image Profile Picture

T on 05 Jul 2020 22:55:19

RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting

This really needs to be an enhancement. Not being able to drill down on multiple visuals hinders the end user's experience

abhishek sreesaila's profile image Profile Picture

JMB on 05 Jul 2020 22:55:09

RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting

I also totally agree. I would be great to have an option on the "nothing" icon in "edit interactions" to avoid the selection on the visual to be removed when another selection is made on another visual. It would really improve data exploration with a better user experience.

abhishek sreesaila's profile image Profile Picture

Luiz Fornazza on 05 Jul 2020 22:55:08

RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting

Ow noo , i spent a lot of hours working in power BI to find out that it doesn't have an essential feature like this one ? I thought P BI was all about selecting filters in graphics ....
i will not use power bi anymore until this feature comes out.

abhishek sreesaila's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:53

RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting

I can't believe this feature is missing! I am working for a client and had to tell them it is not possible to do such a simple thing with Power BI. @Microsoft, any updates about this?

abhishek sreesaila's profile image Profile Picture

Gregg Fox on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:51

RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting

This feature would really enhance user experience! If this feature is implemented, it would also be great to have a 'Current Selections' visual where users can see what filters/selections have been applied and maybe even edit these selections.

abhishek sreesaila's profile image Profile Picture

Mike Foss on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:44

RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting

Totally agree this would be a great improvement. depending on the visual they will unfilter when interacted with. It would be nice not to have to add filters on the report and instead trust that slicers would apply each filter based on what visual is clicked on. Sure this works if you build a slicer with the hierarchy you want and drill down but sometimes you just do not want to drill down.

abhishek sreesaila's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:37

RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting

wonder why it is possible to have multiple slicer visuals where the screnario works but on other visuals like the bar-chart the cross filtering allows only to be done in one visual. I thought all visuals (incl. slicers) should have same behaviour? Or do we need a property like "allow visual to be part of a multi-visual filtering" to control this feature as needed? i think the most consistent way would be to use CTRL for multi-visual-crossfiltering!

abhishek sreesaila's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:28

RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting

Having the ability to cross-filter in multiple visuals is absolutely necessary in order to fully understand what is going on in our business

abhishek sreesaila's profile image Profile Picture

Nagireddy on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:22

RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting

Can we apply seperate filters for each value measure in combo visualization?

abhishek sreesaila's profile image Profile Picture

Nagireddy on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:22

RE: Ability to select multiple items in a report for cross-highlighting

Not able to create calculated measures while using analysis server live connection as source. Is there a way to create calculated measures in this situation?