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Power BI


Pass filters in URL

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Majhi Babu Gajula's profile image

Majhi Babu Gajula on 26 Dec 2014 23:49:27

It would be great if we can pass filters in the url of the dashboard, which will filter the reports based on various parameters e.g. current fiscal period, geography, person's role, department etc.

Administrator on 26 Oct 2018 05:06:32

Thanks to everyone who participated in the filter survey last year and for leaving detailed comments below in the meantime as well. We used your feedback to prioritize and release two enhancements to our filtering: 1. In June, we released the ability to share report filters with others. Behind the scenes, this creates a bookmark with the current slicer/filter state and share a URL containing that bookmark ID. You can use that URL as you wish – in portals, your own emails, anywhere! 2. In August, we expanded support for URL filters on reports, by supporting additional data types (datetime), additional operators beyond equals (greater than or equals, greater than, less than or equals, less than), and the ‘in’ operator to allow filtering on multiple values easily. See more details at We hope these improvements have been helpful to you. If this wasn't enough and you still want other functionality, please vote on one of these ideas: - For filters on dashboards, which would pave the way for filtering through the URL: - For personal bookmarks:

Comments (75)
Majhi Babu Gajula's profile image Profile Picture

yadhuram mc on 05 Jul 2020 22:25:07

RE: Pass filters in URL

unlike Power view, this should support multiple values

Majhi Babu Gajula's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:24:55

RE: Pass filters in URL

I cannot believe that such an important feature has not been added for almost one year!

Majhi Babu Gajula's profile image Profile Picture

Miguel da Costa Loureiro on 05 Jul 2020 22:23:16

RE: Pass filters in URL

Another MUST but just "planned" functionality. When can this be expected?

Majhi Babu Gajula's profile image Profile Picture

sunil on 05 Jul 2020 22:23:01

RE: Pass filters in URL

is it release?
I think this is important. I want to embed a report in our Admin Dashboard , so each User can see their own Revenue spending on the report. To achieve that we need to a our dashboard creditionals and my database through as a filter to like role based system filter the data.

Majhi Babu Gajula's profile image Profile Picture

Rohit A on 05 Jul 2020 22:22:46

RE: Pass filters in URL

This is required feature as we would like to show up reports based on some particular criteria/parameters

Majhi Babu Gajula's profile image Profile Picture

Dave Hickman on 05 Jul 2020 22:22:44

RE: Pass filters in URL

This is essential for a BI tool. All of the competitive products can do this and is limiting how we sell/recommend PowerBI to clients. Can we get this from MSFT soon?

Majhi Babu Gajula's profile image Profile Picture

Jeremy Horgan on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:43

RE: Pass filters in URL

We already use an embedded BI product in our application and would like to replace it with Power BI embedded. This is a key feature for us. Happy to test/validate any early versions.

Any update on the format of these filters?

Majhi Babu Gajula's profile image Profile Picture

Vasu Babu on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:13

RE: Pass filters in URL

HI , I was trying to apply this kind of functionality in our application like sending the parameters from external app and retrieve the filtered report on the basis of geo location. Please suggest if any solution.

Majhi Babu Gajula's profile image Profile Picture

Hector Villafuerte on 05 Jul 2020 22:20:16

RE: Pass filters in URL

URL to a PowerBI report using parameters as filters. This allows integration with other system, by only reference the URL.

Majhi Babu Gajula's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 22:18:15

RE: Pass filters in URL

This will increase user adoption. Very few people will go through all the steps necessary to create personalized filtered reports/dashboards. We need the ability to distribute corporate reports without 2 pages of instructions on how to personalize them.