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legend color in conditional formatting

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Jesús on 09 Aug 2019 01:19:48

when you have a graph to which you can apply a conditional format the legend stays with the default color, the legend should be put with the colors of the mixed conditional format

Comments (39)
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Cindy Botchis on 09 Mar 2022 14:36:49

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Please! I have columns in my table that assign a consistent color to each of our business units. Works great with changing background colors in a matrix, but I would like to apply that column to legend members. Right now, I need to go into a line or bubble chart and manually assign the appropriate colors to each business unit.

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Cindy Botchis on 09 Mar 2022 14:36:17

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Please! I have columns in my table that assign a consistent color to each of our business units. Works great with changing background colors in a matrix, but I would like to apply that column to legend members. Right now, I need to go into a line or bubble chart and manually assign the appropriate colors to each business unit.

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Cindy Botchis on 09 Mar 2022 14:35:50

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Please! I have columns in my table that assign a consistent color to each of our business units. Works great with changing background colors in a matrix, but I would like to apply that column to legend members. Right now, I need to go into a line or bubble chart and manually assign the appropriate colors to each business unit.

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David Van Winkle on 02 Mar 2021 16:06:47

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Unfortunately, I (and others) are unable to upvote even when signed in. The upvotes shown are likely a drastic under-representation of user feedback, so this upvote system needs to be fixed and basic functionality like this should be added regardless of upvotes.

Jesús's profile image Profile Picture

on 10 Nov 2020 00:28:10

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

I would like to add a conditional formatting for each column in a matrix, instead of using the conditional formatting in the whole matrix.

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Tara on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:02

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Yes this is really needed! Now the legend and the colors in the visual just don't match.

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Ronald Posthumus on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:44

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

second that for consistant and correct date visualization this is a must

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Amod Ramugade on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:31

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to use conditional formatting to go on the basis of the column, rather than the entirety of the matrix.

For example, when I use the Lowest value to Highest value format, it will compare the values of the whole table, when I’d like the conditional formatting to compare lowest to highest of only the values in columns.

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Magda on 06 Jul 2020 00:04:02

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

but is not yet Microsoft certified....

Merged Idea (3)